Solid mahogany French sofa of Louis XV c.1900


This is a mahogany sofa from the late 19th century.
I bought it in Paris. 

This is a mahogany sofa from the late 19th century.
I bought it in Paris.
We carried it down from the fourth floor because there was no elevator in the building.
The furniture originally had red upholstery.
This can be seen in two photos.
I bought it for myself. I replaced the entire upholstery, but after bringing it home we found that it was too big and so it went to our store.
It was the decoration of my new house in Montpellier for only two weeks.
From Paris she came to Ireland, then to Moutpellier and back to Ireland.
The condition is perfect. The seat is on springs. Very comfortable .
It is a unique and valuable piece of furniture. Antique experts know why.
​I didn’t have to treat it because there are no traces of wood worms .
The upholstery should last the next 20 years, and the frame should last at least 50 years – without renovation.

This type of furniture is a capital investment. Over the years it has become more and more valuable.

Welcome to the antique furniture shop – Unit A14 National Enterprise Park – Portlaoise R32N880
The store is open every day by appointment only.
Jean Claude

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J.C. Vintage Furniture
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